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Discernment and Obedience: Navigating Life with God

Writer's picture: Emmanuela Emmanuela

Have you ever wondered how you can cultivate a stronger relationship with God? In my faith journey, I've realised that discernment and obedience are critical in shaping my walk with God. These two principles have brought me through life's ups and downs, and I'd love to share their beauty and power with you today.

Discernment: What Is It, and How to Cultivate It?

Discernment is the ability to perceive and understand God's will for our lives. It's about seeking His guidance and aligning our choices with His perfect plan. To cultivate discernment, we must prioritise prayer, allowing God to speak to our hearts and reveal His purposes. Studying God's Word is vital in equipping us with the wisdom and knowledge to discern God's will. By immersing ourselves in the Scriptures, we gain insight into His character and desires for us.

Obedience: Why It Matters and How to Embrace It

Obedience is trusting God's ways are higher and better than our own, surrendering our will to His. It's not always easy, but it's crucial in our walk with God. The Bible contains inspiring examples of obedience, such as Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac and Jesus' ultimate obedience on the cross. Walking in obedience, we experience the joy of living in harmony with God's plan. We witness His faithfulness, guidance, and provision in our lives.

The Intersection of Discernment and Obedience: A Transformative Journey

Discernment and obedience go hand in hand. When we discern God's will, we must have the courage and faith to obey. Knowing what God wants is not enough; we must act and align our lives accordingly. Walking in obedience, we experience the joy of living in harmony with God's plan. We witness His faithfulness, provision, and guidance in our lives. Discernment without obedience is incomplete, but we embark on a transformative journey with God when the two are intertwined.

In conclusion, discernment and obedience are foundational aspects of our faith. They require us to seek God's guidance, surrender our will, and trust His goodness. I encourage you to prioritise discernment and obedience as you navigate life's journey. These principles may not always be easy, but they are worth it.


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Wisdom Denoo
Wisdom Denoo
May 09, 2024

thank you for this episode. i learnt a lot on these tools. God bless you Ela and give you more insights to write inspiring vlogs.

Oct 10, 2024
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Amen. God bless you, Wisdom!

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