I doubt I am the only one who has gone against God’s design for my life at some point. It cost me peace of mind and a strained relationship with Him. One thing about me? I cannot function properly when I disobey God. So inevitably, I’d beat myself up about it. My sorrow leads to repentance more times than often, but the other times, I do not feel worthy to be in His presence.
That is where grace comes into the picture. What is grace? Unmerited Favour. It is undeserved, but for His lovingkindness, we can enjoy and partake.
Grace is like a warm hug from God, reminding us that we're human and that mistakes happen. It helps us navigate our emotions by offering forgiveness, compassion, and the opportunity to learn and grow. It's like a gentle reminder that we don't have to be perfect, and that's okay. Grace allows us to find peace within ourselves and extend that same understanding to others. It's truly a game-changer in navigating the struggles between conviction and condemnation.
Condemnation, on the other hand, is from the devil, and you know when he turns up, he comes to steal, kill and destroy—targeting your faith, joy and security in God. It is a real obstacle to spiritual growth. When we constantly dwell on our mistakes and shortcomings, it can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and unworthiness. These negative emotions can weigh us down and make it difficult to move forward in our faith journey.
I understand that sometimes, we may feel overwhelmed with guilt and shame, and it can be challenging to overcome condemnation. But the good news is that God's love and forgiveness surpass any negative emotions we may experience. According to Romans 8:33-34, "It is God who justifies. Who, then, is the one who condemns? No one." These verses remind us that God is always on our side, and He is the One who justifies us and declares us not guilty. We don't have to condemn ourselves or let others condemn us because Christ Jesus, who died and was raised to life, is interceding for us.
When we feel trapped in negative emotions, we can always turn to God's love and embrace His grace. We can allow His mercy to transform our hearts and minds and focus on growing our relationship with Him. We don't have to dwell on condemnation because His love is more significant than any mistake we've made.
Let's explore the concept of God's grace and its role in overcoming condemnation together. According to Ephesians 2:8-9, salvation is a gift of grace, not something earned through our efforts. We don't have to strive for perfection or earn salvation; we only need to accept God's love and grace.
Furthermore, when we experience conviction, it can lead to positive change if we approach it with humility and a desire for spiritual growth. Let's confess our sins and receive God's forgiveness, as 1 John 1:9 encourages us.
Lastly, let's embrace the process of growth and transformation, knowing that God's grace is sufficient. In Christ, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17).
I can understand how difficult it can be to feel condemned and unsure about embracing God's grace and love. But remember, you are deserving of God's love and forgiveness, and it's never too late to turn towards Him.